Nota bene: Some fables appear in multiple versions! They may or may not be next to each other in the index because the titles may be in a different order ("The Ant and the Fly" OR "The Fly and the Ant"). You can use Control-F in your browser to search for the specific character you are looking for. Be aware also of the different names that might be used for the same character: Venus OR Aphrodite, for example, and likewise deer OR stag, etc.
- Aesop-LaFontaine: The Acorn and the Pumpkin
- Aesop-Jacobs: Androcles and the Lion
- Aesop-Winter: The Animals and the Plague
- Aesop-Winter: The Ant and the Dove
- Aesop-English: The Ant and the Fly
- Aesop-Jacobs: The Ant and the Grasshopper
- Aesop-English: The Ant and the Grasshopper
- Aesop-English: An Ape and a Fox
- Aesop-English: An Ape and her Two Brats
- Aesop-English: An Ape and a Mountebank
- Aesop-English: Apollo and Jupiter
- Aesop-LaFontaine: The Ass and the Dog
- Aesop-Jacobs: The Ass and The Enemy
- Aesop-Winter: The Ass and the Grasshoppers
- Aesop-Winter: The Ass and His Driver
- Aesop-Winter: The Ass and His Shadow
- Aesop-Jacobs: The Ass and the Lapdog
- Aesop-English: The Ass and the Lion Hunting
- Aesop-Winter: The Ass and the Load of Salt
- Aesop-English: The Ass and Priests of Cybele
- Aesop-Jacobs: The Ass and The Sick Lion
- Aesop-English: The Ass, the Ape and the Mole
- Aesop-Winter: The Ass Carrying the Image
- Aesop-English: The Ass Carrying Relics
- Aesop-Winter: The Ass, the Fox, and the Lion
- Aesop-Jacobs: The Ass in the Lion's Skin
- Aesop-English: The Ass in the Lion's Skin
- Aesop-LaFontaine: The Ass in the Lion's Skin
- Aesop-Jacobs: The Ass's Brains
- Aesop-English: The Ass's Wish
- Aesop-Winter: The Astrologer
- Aesop-LaFontaine: The Astrologer
- Aesop-Jacobs: Avaricious and Envious
- Aesop-Jacobs: The Bald Man and the Fly
- Aesop-LaFontaine: The Bat and the Weasels
- Aesop-Winter: The Bat and the Weasels
- Aesop-Jacobs: The Bat, the Birds, and the Beasts
- Aesop-LaFontaine: The Bear and the Amateur Gardener
- Aesop-Winter: The Bear and the Bees
- Aesop-Jacobs: The Bear and the Bees
- Aesop-Winter: The Bees and Wasps, and the Hornet
- Aesop-Jacobs: Belling the Cat
- Aesop-Jacobs: The Belly and the Members
- Aesop-English: The Bitch and Her Puppies
- Aesop-English: A Boar and a Fox
- Aesop-Jacobs: The Boaster
- Aesop-Winter: The Boy and the Filberts
- Aesop-English: The Boy and the Goldfinch
- Aesop-Winter: The Boy and the Nettles
- Aesop-English: A Boy That Would Not Learn
- Aesop-Winter: The Boys and the Frogs
- Aesop-Jacobs: Brother and Sister
- Aesop-Jacobs: The Buffoon and the Countryman
- Aesop-Winter: The Bull and the Goat
- Aesop-Jacobs: The Bundle of Sticks
- Aesop-English: The Carter and Hercules
- Aesop-LaFontaine: The Carter In The Mire
- Aesop-Winter: The Cat and the Birds
- Aesop-LaFontaine: The Cat and the Fox
- Aesop-Winter: The Cat and the Old Rat
- Aesop-LaFontaine: The Cat and the Old Rat
- Aesop-English: The Cat and Venus
- Aesop-Winter: The Cat the Cock, and the Young Mouse
- Aesop-LaFontaine: The Cat Metamorphosed Into A Woman
- Aesop-Jacobs: The Cat-Maiden
- Aesop-LaFontaine: The City Mouse and the Country Mouse
- Aesop-LaFontaine: The Cobbler and the Financier
- Aesop-English: A Cock and a Fox
- Aesop-Jacobs: The Cock and the Pearl
- Aesop-English: The Cock and the Pearl
- Aesop-Jacobs: The Cock, The Ass and The Lion
- Aesop-LaFontaine: The Cockerel, the Cat, and the Mouse
- Aesop-English: The Crab and her Daughter
- Aesop-English: The Crow and the Pitcher
- Aesop-Jacobs: The Crow and the Pitcher
- Aesop-LaFontaine: The Dairywoman and the Pot of Milk
- Aesop-English: The Dancing Apes
- Aesop-Jacobs: The Deer and The Lion
- Aesop-English: The Dog and the Crocodile
- Aesop-LaFontaine: The Dog And His Image
- Aesop-Winter: The Dog and His Master's Dinner
- Aesop-Winter: The Dog and the Oyster
- Aesop-English: The Dog and the Quaker
- Aesop-Jacobs: The Dog and the Shadow
- Aesop-English: The Dog and the Wolf
- Aesop-Jacobs: The Dog and the Wolf
- Aesop-Winter: The Dog, the Cock, and the Fox
- Aesop-English: The Dog in the Manger
- Aesop-Jacobs: The Dog in the Manger
- Aesop-English: The Dog in the River
- Aesop-English: The Dog, Treasure, and Vulture
- Aesop-Winter: The Dogs and the Fox
- Aesop-Winter: The Dogs and the Hides
- Aesop-English: The Dogs and Jupiter
- Aesop-LaFontaine: The Dove and the Ant
- Aesop-English: The Drover that Lost a Bull
- Aesop-Jacobs: The Eagle and the Arrow
- Aesop-English: The Eagle and the Beetle
- Aesop-Winter: The Eagle and the Beetle
- Aesop-LaFontaine: The Eagle and the Beetle
- Aesop-Jacobs: The Eagle and The Crow
- Aesop-Winter: The Eagle and the Jackdaw
- Aesop-Winter: The Eagle and the Kite
- Aesop-English: An Eagle and Rabbits
- Aesop-English: The Eagle and the Serpent
- Aesop-English: The Eagle, the Cat, and the Sow
- Aesop-English: An Eagle sets up for a Beauty
- Aesop-LaFontaine: The Eagle, the Wild Sow, and the Cat
- Aesop-English: Aesop at Play
- Aesop-English: The Faithful House-dog
- Aesop-Winter: The Farmer and the Cranes
- Aesop-Winter: The Farmer and His Sons
- Aesop-Winter: The Farmer and the Stork
- Aesop-Jacobs: The Farmer's Treasure
- Aesop-Winter: The Fighting Bulls and the Frog
- Aesop-Winter: The Fighting Cocks and the Eagle
- Aesop-Jacobs: The Fir and The Bramble
- Aesop-Jacobs: The Fisher
- Aesop-Jacobs: The Fisher and the Little Fish
- Aesop-English: The Fisherman and the Little Fish
- Aesop-Winter: The Flies and the Honey
- Aesop-English: The Fly
- Aesop-English: The Fly and the Mule
- Aesop-Jacobs: Fortune and The Boy
- Aesop-English: The Fox and the Cat
- Aesop-Jacobs: The Fox and the Cat
- Aesop-English: The Fox and the Cock
- Aesop-Winter: The Fox and the Cock
- Aesop-Winter: The Fox and the Crab
- Aesop-English: The Fox and the Crow
- Aesop-Jacobs: The Fox and the Crow
- Aesop-English: A Fox and a Divining Cock
- Aesop-English: The Fox and the Dragon
- Aesop-English: The Fox and Eagle
- Aesop-English: The Fox and the Goat
- Aesop-Jacobs: The Fox and the Goat
- Aesop-Jacobs: The Fox and the Grapes
- Aesop-English: The Fox and the Grapes
- Aesop-LaFontaine: The Fox and the Grapes
- Aesop-Winter: The Fox and the Leopard
- Aesop-Jacobs: The Fox and the Lion
- Aesop-Jacobs: The Fox and the Mask
- Aesop-Winter: The Fox and the Monkey
- Aesop-Jacobs: The Fox and the Mosquitoes
- Aesop-Winter: The Fox and the Pheasants
- Aesop-Jacobs: The Fox and the Stork
- Aesop-English: The Fox and the Stork
- Aesop-LaFontaine: The Fox and the Stork
- Aesop-Jacobs: The Fox, the Cock, and the Dog
- Aesop-Jacobs: The Fox Without a Tail
- Aesop-LaFontaine: The Fox, the Wolf, and the Horse
- Aesop-Jacobs: The Frightened Lion
- Aesop-Jacobs: The Frog and The Bull
- Aesop-English: The Frog and the Fox
- Aesop-Winter: The Frog and the Mouse
- Aesop-LaFontaine: The Frog and the Ox
- Aesop-Jacobs: The Frog and the Ox
- Aesop-LaFontaine: The Frog and the Rat
- Aesop-English: The Frogs and Bulls
- Aesop-English: The Frogs and Sun
- Aesop-LaFontaine: The Frogs Desiring a King
- Aesop-Jacobs: The Frogs Desiring a King
- Aesop-English: The Frogs Desiring a King
- Aesop-Jacobs: The Geese and The Cranes
- Aesop-Winter: The Gnat and the Bull
- Aesop-English: The Gnat and the Ox
- Aesop-Winter: The Goatherd and the Goat
- Aesop-Winter: The Goatherd and the Wild Goats
- Aesop-Jacobs: The Goose With the Golden Eggs
- Aesop-LaFontaine: The Grasshopper and the Ant
- Aesop-Winter: The Hare and His Ears
- Aesop-Jacobs: The Hare and the Tortoise
- Aesop-LaFontaine: The Hare and the Tortoise
- Aesop-Jacobs: The Hare With Many Friends
- Aesop-Jacobs: The Hares and the Frogs
- Aesop-Jacobs: The Hart and the Hunter
- Aesop-Jacobs: The Hart and The Vine
- Aesop-English: The Heifer, Goat, Sheep, and Lion
- Aesop-Jacobs: The Hen and The Fox
- Aesop-LaFontaine: The Hen With The Golden Eggs
- Aesop-Jacobs: Hercules and the Wagoner
- Aesop-Jacobs: The Herdsman's Vows
- Aesop-Winter: The Heron
- Aesop-LaFontaine: The Heron
- Aesop-Jacobs: The Horse and the Ass
- Aesop-English: The Horse and the Ass
- Aesop-Jacobs: The Horse and the Ass
- Aesop-LaFontaine: The Horse and the Wolf
- Aesop-Jacobs: The Horse, The Hunter, and The Stag
- Aesop-LaFontaine: The Horse and the Stag
- Aesop-English: The Housewife and her Hen
- Aesop-English: The Hungry Dogs
- Aesop-Jacobs: The Jay and the Peacock
- Aesop-English: Jove's Cask
- Aesop-English: Juno and the Peacock
- Aesop-Winter: Jupiter and the Monkey
- Aesop-English: Jupiter and the Monkey
- Aesop-English: The Kingdom of Apes
- Aesop-English: The Kite and the Doves
- Aesop-Jacobs: The Labourer and the Nightingale
- Aesop-Winter: The Lark and Her Young Ones
- Aesop-English: The Lark and her Young Ones
- Aesop-Jacobs: The Lazy Housemaids
- Aesop-Winter: The Leap at Rhodes
- Aesop-Winter: The Lion and the Ass
- Aesop-Winter: The Lion and the Ass
- Aesop-English: The Lion and the Bulls
- Aesop-Winter: The Lion and the Gnat
- Aesop-LaFontaine: The Lion and the Gnat
- Aesop-English: The Lion and the Goats
- Aesop-English: The Lion and the Man
- Aesop-English: The Lion and the Man
- Aesop-Jacobs: The Lion and the Mouse
- Aesop-English: The Lion and the Mouse
- Aesop-Jacobs: The Lion and the Statue
- Aesop-Winter: The Lion, the Bear, and the Fox
- Aesop-Jacobs: The Lion, the Fox, and the Beasts
- Aesop-Jacobs: The Lion in Love
- Aesop-English: The Lion King
- Aesop-Jacobs: The Lion's Share
- Aesop-LaFontaine: The Man and the Adder
- Aesop-English: The Man and the Goose
- Aesop-English: The Man and his Mistresses
- Aesop-Jacobs: The Man and His Mother
- Aesop-Jacobs: The Man and His Two Wives
- Aesop-Jacobs: The Man and the Satyr
- Aesop-Jacobs: The Man and the Serpent
- Aesop-English: The Man and the Weasel
- Aesop-Jacobs: The Man and the Wood
- Aesop-Jacobs: The Man and the Wooden God
- Aesop-Jacobs: The Man, the Boy, and the Ass
- Aesop-LaFontaine: The Members and the Belly
- Aesop-Winter: Mercury and the Woodman
- Aesop-English: The Mice and the Weasels
- Aesop-Winter: The Mice and the Weasels
- Aesop-Jacobs: The Milkmaid and Her Pail
- Aesop-LaFontaine: The Miller, His Son and the Ass
- Aesop-Winter: The Mischievous Dog
- Aesop-Jacobs: The Miser and His Gold
- Aesop-English: A Miser and Rotten Apples
- Aesop-Winter: The Monkey and the Camel
- Aesop-Winter: The Monkey and the Cat
- Aesop-LaFontaine: The Monkey and the Cat
- Aesop-Winter: The Monkey and the Dolphin
- Aesop-Jacobs: The Mountains in Labour
- Aesop-Winter: The Mouse and the Weasel
- Aesop-LaFontaine: The Mouse Metamorphosed Into A Maid
- Aesop-Winter: The Mule
- Aesop-English: A Nightingale and a Hawk
- Aesop-Jacobs: The Nurse and the Wolf
- Aesop-English: The Old Dog and the Huntsman
- Aesop-English: The Old Lion
- Aesop-English: An Old Man and an Ass
- Aesop-Jacobs: The Old Man and Death
- Aesop-Jacobs: The Old Woman and the Wine-Jar
- Aesop-Jacobs: The One-Eyed Doe
- Aesop-Winter: The Owl and the Grasshopper
- Aesop-English: The Owl and the Grasshopper
- Aesop-English: An Owl and Little Birds
- Aesop-English: The Owl and the Sun
- Aesop-Jacobs: The Oxen and the Lion
- Aesop-Winter: The Oxen and the Wheels
- Aesop-Winter: The Peacock and the Crane
- Aesop-Jacobs: The Peacock and Juno
- Aesop-LaFontaine: Phoebus And Boreas
- Aesop-English: The Pike and the Herring
- Aesop-Winter: The Plane Tree
- Aesop-Winter: The Porcupine and the Snakes
- Aesop-Jacobs: Porcupine, Snake and Company
- Aesop-English: The Proud Frog
- Aesop-Winter: The Quack Toad
- Aesop-Winter: The Rabbit, the Weasel, and the Cat
- Aesop-Winter: The Rat and the Elephant
- Aesop-LaFontaine: Rats in Council
- Aesop-LaFontaine: The Raven and the Eagle
- Aesop-LaFontaine: The Raven and the Fox
- Aesop-Winter: The Rose and the Butterfly
- Aesop-English: The Sapient Ass
- Aesop-English: The Satyr and the Traveller
- Aesop-English: The Sculptor and Mercury
- Aesop-Winter: The Serpent and the Eagle
- Aesop-Jacobs: The Serpent and the File
- Aesop-Winter: The Sheep and the Pig
- Aesop-English: The Sheep, the Dog, and the Wolf
- Aesop-English: The Sheep, the Stag, and the Wolf
- Aesop-English: A Sheep-Biter Hang'd
- Aesop-Winter: The Shepherd and the Lion
- Aesop-Jacobs: The Shepherd's Boy
- Aesop-English: The Sick Kite
- Aesop-Jacobs: The Sick Lion
- Aesop-English: Socrates and his Friends
- Aesop-Winter: The Spendthrift and the Swallow
- Aesop-Jacobs: The Stag in the Ox-Stall
- Aesop-Winter: The Stag, the Sheep, and the Wolf
- Aesop-Winter: The Swallow and the Crow
- Aesop-Jacobs: The Swallow and the Other Birds
- Aesop-Jacobs: The Tortoise and the Birds
- Aesop-Winter: The Tortoise and the Ducks
- Aesop-LaFontaine: The Tortoise and the Two Ducks
- Aesop-Jacobs: The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse
- Aesop-Winter: The Travelers and the Purse
- Aesop-Winter: The Travelers and the Sea
- Aesop-Jacobs: The Tree and the Reed
- Aesop-English: The Trees Protected
- Aesop-English: The Trumpeter Taken Prisoner
- Aesop-Jacobs: The Trumpeter Taken Prisoner
- Aesop-English: A Trusty Dog and his Master
- Aesop-English: The Two Bags
- Aesop-Jacobs: The Two Crabs
- Aesop-Jacobs: The Two Fellows and the Bear
- Aesop-English: The Two Frogs
- Aesop-Winter: The Two Goats
- Aesop-English: Two Laden Asses
- Aesop-Jacobs: The Two Pots
- Aesop-English: Two Travellers find an Oyster
- Aesop-English: The Vain Jackdaw
- Aesop-Jacobs: The Vain Jackdaw
- Aesop-English: Weasel and Mouse
- Aesop-English: A Widow and a Green Ass
- Aesop-Winter: The Wild Boar and the Fox
- Aesop-Jacobs: The Wind and the Sun
- Aesop-Winter: The Wolf and the Ass
- Aesop-English: The Wolf and the Crane
- Aesop-Jacobs: The Wolf and the Crane
- Aesop-LaFontaine: The Wolf and the Dog
- Aesop-LaFontaine: The Wolf and the Fox
- Aesop-Winter: The Wolf and the Goat
- Aesop-Winter: The Wolf and His Shadow
- Aesop-Winter: The Wolf and the Kid
- Aesop-Jacobs: The Wolf and the Kid
- Aesop-Jacobs: The Wolf and the Lamb
- Aesop-English: The Wolf and the Lamb
- Aesop-Winter: The Wolf and the Lean Dog
- Aesop-Winter: The Wolf and the Lion
- Aesop-Winter: The Wolf and the Shepherd
- Aesop-Winter: The Wolf and the Shepherd
- Aesop-English: The Wolf and the Shepherd's Boy
- Aesop-English: The Wolf and the Shepherds
- Aesop-Jacobs: The Wolf in Sheep's Clothing
- Aesop-Winter: The Wolf, the Kid, and the Goat
- Aesop-English: A Wolf turn'd Shepherd
- Aesop-English: A Wolf turns Religious
- Aesop-English: The Wolves and the Dogs
- Aesop-Winter: The Wolves and the Sheep
- Aesop-LaFontaine: The Woodman and Mercury
- Aesop-Jacobs: The Woodman and the Serpent
- Aesop-English: The Workman and Fortune
