Language. Goddard's book contains English translations of traditional Apache tales. If you are looking for a more authentic reading experience, this unit is probably the closest option to the original oral style of the stories.
Story Length. These are all single-page stories.
Navigation. You will find the table of contents below, and you can also use this link to see the story posts displayed on two pages total: Apache Tales. Click "Older Posts" at the bottom of that page to see the second page.
- The Emergence
- The First War
- The Culture Heroes and Owl
- The Killing of the Monsters
- Naiyenesgani Rescues the Taos Indians
- More Deeds of Naiyenesgani
- Naiyenesgani Takes His Leave
- Coyote Secures Fire
- The Swallowing Monster
- The Man Who Helped the Eagles
- Releasing the Buffalo
- The Origin of Corn and Deer
- The Supernatural Person in the Lake
- The Man Who Traveled with the Buffalo
- Coyote Steals a Man's Wife
- Coyote Takes Arrows from Owl
- Antelopes Take Arrows from Coyote
- Coyote Tries to Make His Children Spotted
- Coyote and Porcupine
- Coyote Kills the Prairie Dogs
- Coyote and His Hosts
- Coyote and Mosquito Marry Under False Pretenses
- Coyote and the Mexicans
- Coyote and the Animals Run Races
(Jicarilla Apache man,
photo by E. Curtis, 1904)
photo by E. Curtis, 1904)