Language. Mooney's stories are close in style to the oral Cherokee stories, so this unit, along with the Apache unit and the Eskimo (Inuit), would be a good option to choose if you want to read stories that have the feel of the original oral tradition.
Story Length. These are all single-page stories.
Navigation. You will find the table of contents below, and you can also use this link to see the story posts displayed on two pages total: Cherokee Myths. Click "Older Posts" at the bottom of that page to see the second page.
- How the World Was Made
- The First Fire
- The Journey to the Sunrise
- Origin of the Pleiades and the Pine
- The Moon and the Thunders
- The Deluge
- Tobacco and Strawberries
- The Rabbit Goes Duck Hunting
- How the Rabbit Stole the Otter's Coat
- Why the Possum's Tail Is Bare
- How the Terrapin Beat the Rabbit
- Flint Visits the Rabbit
- The Deer and the Rabbit
- The Terrapin's Escape from the Wolves
- The Ball Game of the Birds and Animals
- The Race Between the Crane and the Hummingbird
- The Owl Gets Married
- The Huhu Gets Married
- The Uktena and the Ulûñsû'tï
- Âgän-uni'tsï's Search For the Uktena
- The Red Man and the Uktena
- The Hunter and the Uksu'hï
- The Ustû'tlï
- The Snake Boy / The Snake Man
- The Rattlesnake's Vengeance
- The Bullfrog Lover