Decameron: The Adventures of Ferondo (cont.)

In the Catholic tradition, Purgatory is a place where the dead go to be purified before they enter heaven. You can read more about Purgatory at Wikipedia.

To make Ferondo think that he is in Purgatory, the abbot will drug him using a powder he obtained from the "Levant" (i.e., the eastern Mediterranean). This powder supposedly was used by the Old Man of the Mountain, the legendary leader of the "Assassins," which would mean the drug was hashish, or something like it. You can find out more about the Assassins of Persia and Syria at Wikipedia.

[Notes by LKG]

This story is part of the Decameron unit. Story source: The Decameron by Boccaccio, translated by J. M. Rigg (1903).

The Adventures of Ferondo (cont.)
(see previous page for audio)

"Yes," replied the abbot, "for a certain time, during which you must be very careful not to let yourself be married to another, because 'twould offend God, and when Ferondo was restored to life, you would have to go back to him, and he would be more jealous than ever."

"Be it so then," said the lady, "if he be but cured of his jealousy, and so I be not doomed to pass the rest of my days in prison, I shall be content: do as you think best."

"And so will I," said the abbot; "but what reward shall I have for such a service?"

"My father," said the lady, "what you please, so only it be in my power. But what may the like of me do that may be acceptable to a man such as you?"

"Madam," replied the abbot, "'tis in your power to do no less for me than I am about to do for you: as that which I am minded to do will ensure your comfort and consolation, so there is that which you may do which will be the deliverance and salvation of my life."

"If so it be," said the lady, "I shall not be found wanting."

"In that case," said the abbot, "you will give me your love and gratify my passion for you, with which I am all afire and wasting away."

Whereto the lady, all consternation, replied: "Alas! my father, what is this you crave? I took you for a holy man; now does it beseem holy men to make such overtures to ladies that come to them for counsel?"

"Marvel not, fair my soul," returned the abbot; "hereby is my holiness in no wise diminished, for holiness resides in the soul, and this which I ask of you is but a sin of the flesh. But, however it may be, such is the might of your bewitching beauty that love constrains me thus to act. And, let me tell you, good cause have you to vaunt you of your beauty more than other women, in that it delights the saints, who are used to contemplate celestial beauties, whereto I may add that, albeit I am an abbot, yet I am a man even as others and, as you see, not yet old. Nor need this matter seem formidable to you, but rather to be anticipated with pleasure for, while Ferondo is in purgatory, I shall be your nightly companion and will give you such solace as he should have given you, nor will it ever be discovered by any, for all think of me even as you did a while ago, or even more so. Reject not the grace that God accords you, for 'tis in your power to have, and, if you are wise and follow my advice, you shall have that which women not a few desire in vain to have. And, moreover, I have jewels fair and rare, which I am minded shall be yours and none other's. Wherefore, sweet my hope, deny me not due guerdon of the service which I gladly render you."

The lady, her eyes still downcast, knew not how to deny him, and yet scrupled to gratify him, wherefore the abbot, seeing that she had hearkened and hesitated to answer, deemed that she was already half won and, following up what he had said with much more to the like effect, did not rest until he had persuaded her that she would do well to comply, and so with some confusion she told him that she was ready to obey his every behest, but it might not be until Ferondo was in purgatory.

The abbot, well content, replied: "And we will send him thither forthwith: do but arrange that he come hither to stay with me to-morrow or the day after." Which said, he slipped a most beautiful ring on her finger, and dismissed her.

Pleased with the gift, and expecting more to come, the lady rejoined her attendants, with whom she forthwith fell a talking marvellous things of the abbot's sanctity, and so went home with them.

Some few days after, Ferondo being come to the abbey, the abbot no sooner saw him than he resolved to send him to purgatory. So he selected from among his drugs a powder of marvellous virtue, which he had gotten in the Levant from a great prince, who averred that 'twas wont to be used by the Old Man of the Mountain when he would send any one to or bring him from his paradise and that, without doing the recipient any harm, 'twould induce in him, according to the quantity of the dose, a sleep of such duration and quality that, while the efficacy of the powder lasted, none would deem him to be alive.

Whereof he took enough to cause a three days' sleep and gave it to Ferondo in his cell in a beaker that had still some wine in it, so that he drank it unwittingly, after which he took Ferondo to the cloister, and there with some of his monks fell to making merry with him and his ineptitudes. In no long time, however, the powder so wrought that Ferondo was seized in the head with a fit of somnolence so sudden and violent that he slept as he stood and, sleeping, fell to the ground.

The abbot put on an agitated air, caused him to be untrussed, sent for cold water, and had it sprinkled on his face and applied such other remedies as if he would fain call back life and sense banished by vapours of the stomach, or some other intrusive force, but as for all that he and his monks did, Ferondo did not revive, they, after feeling his pulse and finding there no sign of life, one and all pronounced him certainly dead.

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