Language. This is a modern English translation of Boccaccio which stays very close to Boccaccio in the style and sentence structure. It might feel a bit old-fashioned, but it is also very lively and should not be too difficult to read.
Story Length. This unit contains stories of varying lengths, with single-page stories, along with stories that are two, three, or four pages long.
Navigation. You will find the table of contents below, and you can also use this link to see the story posts displayed on a single page: Decameron.
- Melchisedech and Saladin
- The Monk and His Abbot
- The Monk and His Abbot (cont.)
- The Adventures of Ferondo
- The Adventures of Ferondo (cont.)
- The Adventures of Ferondo (cont. again)
- The Adventures of Ferondo (end)
- Dom Felice and Fra Puccio
- Dom Felice and Fra Puccio (cont.)
- The Pot of Basil
- Simona and Pasquino
- Girolamo and Salvestra
- Girolamo and Salvestra (cont.)
- Girolamo and Salvestra (end)
- The Heart of Guillaume de Cabestaing