Yesterday's Twitter: I'm Dreaming Of A (Black And Brown And Native And) White Christmas.

From yesterday's Twitter, here is an item from NPR Codeswitch about making new stories instead of just the same old stories again and again: I'm Dreaming Of A (Black And Brown And Native And) White Christmas.

Here's what the folklorist Maria Tatar says about that:
"We all have a nostalgic connection to childhood," Tatar says. "But as we grow up, we start to look at some of the things we read and cherished with a critical eye, and realize that they're not so culturally innocent after all. And to me, that's a good thing. ... It's up to us as adults to reinvent some of our stories, to make them better, make them new, make them more interesting, make them more relevant. There's no reason to tell the same old story again and again."
Re-inventing stories is what this class is all about!