
Index of Aesop's Fables

This is an index of the Aesop's Fables contained in the four different units: Aesop's Fables edited by Joseph Jacobs, Aesop's Fables illustrated by Milo Winter, Aesop's Fables in English Poetry and Prose, and Fables of La Fontaine. You can use this link to see the four different Aesop units listed on a single page.

Nota bene: Some fables appear in multiple versions! They may or may not be next to each other in the index because the titles may be in a different order ("The Ant and the Fly" OR "The Fly and the Ant"). You can use Control-F in your browser to search for the specific character you are looking for. Be aware also of the different names that might be used for the same character: Venus OR Aphrodite, for example, and likewise deer OR stag, etc.
  1. Aesop-LaFontaine: The Acorn and the Pumpkin
  2. Aesop-Jacobs: Androcles and the Lion
  3. Aesop-Winter: The Animals and the Plague
  4. Aesop-Winter: The Ant and the Dove
  5. Aesop-English: The Ant and the Fly
  6. Aesop-Jacobs: The Ant and the Grasshopper
  7. Aesop-English: The Ant and the Grasshopper
  8. Aesop-English: An Ape and a Fox
  9. Aesop-English: An Ape and her Two Brats
  10. Aesop-English: An Ape and a Mountebank
  11. Aesop-English: Apollo and Jupiter
  12. Aesop-LaFontaine: The Ass and the Dog
  13. Aesop-Jacobs: The Ass and The Enemy
  14. Aesop-Winter: The Ass and the Grasshoppers
  15. Aesop-Winter: The Ass and His Driver
  16. Aesop-Winter: The Ass and His Shadow
  17. Aesop-Jacobs: The Ass and the Lapdog
  18. Aesop-English: The Ass and the Lion Hunting
  19. Aesop-Winter: The Ass and the Load of Salt
  20. Aesop-English: The Ass and Priests of Cybele
  21. Aesop-Jacobs: The Ass and The Sick Lion
  22. Aesop-English: The Ass, the Ape and the Mole
  23. Aesop-Winter: The Ass Carrying the Image
  24. Aesop-English: The Ass Carrying Relics
  25. Aesop-Winter: The Ass, the Fox, and the Lion
  26. Aesop-Jacobs: The Ass in the Lion's Skin
  27. Aesop-English: The Ass in the Lion's Skin
  28. Aesop-LaFontaine: The Ass in the Lion's Skin
  29. Aesop-Jacobs: The Ass's Brains
  30. Aesop-English: The Ass's Wish
  31. Aesop-Winter: The Astrologer
  32. Aesop-LaFontaine: The Astrologer
  33. Aesop-Jacobs: Avaricious and Envious
  34. Aesop-Jacobs: The Bald Man and the Fly
  35. Aesop-LaFontaine: The Bat and the Weasels
  36. Aesop-Winter: The Bat and the Weasels
  37. Aesop-Jacobs: The Bat, the Birds, and the Beasts
  38. Aesop-LaFontaine: The Bear and the Amateur Gardener
  39. Aesop-Winter: The Bear and the Bees
  40. Aesop-Jacobs: The Bear and the Bees
  41. Aesop-Winter: The Bees and Wasps, and the Hornet
  42. Aesop-Jacobs: Belling the Cat
  43. Aesop-Jacobs: The Belly and the Members
  44. Aesop-English: The Bitch and Her Puppies
  45. Aesop-English: A Boar and a Fox
  46. Aesop-Jacobs: The Boaster
  47. Aesop-Winter: The Boy and the Filberts
  48. Aesop-English: The Boy and the Goldfinch
  49. Aesop-Winter: The Boy and the Nettles
  50. Aesop-English: A Boy That Would Not Learn
  51. Aesop-Winter: The Boys and the Frogs
  52. Aesop-Jacobs: Brother and Sister
  53. Aesop-Jacobs: The Buffoon and the Countryman
  54. Aesop-Winter: The Bull and the Goat
  55. Aesop-Jacobs: The Bundle of Sticks
  56. Aesop-English: The Carter and Hercules
  57. Aesop-LaFontaine: The Carter In The Mire
  58. Aesop-Winter: The Cat and the Birds
  59. Aesop-LaFontaine: The Cat and the Fox
  60. Aesop-Winter: The Cat and the Old Rat
  61. Aesop-LaFontaine: The Cat and the Old Rat
  62. Aesop-English: The Cat and Venus
  63. Aesop-Winter: The Cat the Cock, and the Young Mouse
  64. Aesop-LaFontaine: The Cat Metamorphosed Into A Woman
  65. Aesop-Jacobs: The Cat-Maiden
  66. Aesop-LaFontaine: The City Mouse and the Country Mouse
  67. Aesop-LaFontaine: The Cobbler and the Financier
  68. Aesop-English: A Cock and a Fox
  69. Aesop-Jacobs: The Cock and the Pearl
  70. Aesop-English: The Cock and the Pearl
  71. Aesop-Jacobs: The Cock, The Ass and The Lion
  72. Aesop-LaFontaine: The Cockerel, the Cat, and the Mouse
  73. Aesop-English: The Crab and her Daughter
  74. Aesop-English: The Crow and the Pitcher
  75. Aesop-Jacobs: The Crow and the Pitcher
  76. Aesop-LaFontaine: The Dairywoman and the Pot of Milk
  77. Aesop-English: The Dancing Apes
  78. Aesop-Jacobs: The Deer and The Lion
  79. Aesop-English: The Dog and the Crocodile
  80. Aesop-LaFontaine: The Dog And His Image
  81. Aesop-Winter: The Dog and His Master's Dinner
  82. Aesop-Winter: The Dog and the Oyster
  83. Aesop-English: The Dog and the Quaker
  84. Aesop-Jacobs: The Dog and the Shadow
  85. Aesop-English: The Dog and the Wolf
  86. Aesop-Jacobs: The Dog and the Wolf
  87. Aesop-Winter: The Dog, the Cock, and the Fox
  88. Aesop-English: The Dog in the Manger
  89. Aesop-Jacobs: The Dog in the Manger
  90. Aesop-English: The Dog in the River
  91. Aesop-English: The Dog, Treasure, and Vulture
  92. Aesop-Winter: The Dogs and the Fox
  93. Aesop-Winter: The Dogs and the Hides
  94. Aesop-English: The Dogs and Jupiter
  95. Aesop-LaFontaine: The Dove and the Ant
  96. Aesop-English: The Drover that Lost a Bull
  97. Aesop-Jacobs: The Eagle and the Arrow
  98. Aesop-English: The Eagle and the Beetle
  99. Aesop-Winter: The Eagle and the Beetle
  100. Aesop-LaFontaine: The Eagle and the Beetle
  101. Aesop-Jacobs: The Eagle and The Crow
  102. Aesop-Winter: The Eagle and the Jackdaw
  103. Aesop-Winter: The Eagle and the Kite
  104. Aesop-English: An Eagle and Rabbits
  105. Aesop-English: The Eagle and the Serpent
  106. Aesop-English: The Eagle, the Cat, and the Sow
  107. Aesop-English: An Eagle sets up for a Beauty
  108. Aesop-LaFontaine: The Eagle, the Wild Sow, and the Cat
  109. Aesop-English: Aesop at Play
  110. Aesop-English: The Faithful House-dog
  111. Aesop-Winter: The Farmer and the Cranes
  112. Aesop-Winter: The Farmer and His Sons
  113. Aesop-Winter: The Farmer and the Stork
  114. Aesop-Jacobs: The Farmer's Treasure
  115. Aesop-Winter: The Fighting Bulls and the Frog
  116. Aesop-Winter: The Fighting Cocks and the Eagle
  117. Aesop-Jacobs: The Fir and The Bramble
  118. Aesop-Jacobs: The Fisher
  119. Aesop-Jacobs: The Fisher and the Little Fish
  120. Aesop-English: The Fisherman and the Little Fish
  121. Aesop-Winter: The Flies and the Honey
  122. Aesop-English: The Fly
  123. Aesop-English: The Fly and the Mule
  124. Aesop-Jacobs: Fortune and The Boy
  125. Aesop-English: The Fox and the Cat
  126. Aesop-Jacobs: The Fox and the Cat
  127. Aesop-English: The Fox and the Cock
  128. Aesop-Winter: The Fox and the Cock
  129. Aesop-Winter: The Fox and the Crab
  130. Aesop-English: The Fox and the Crow
  131. Aesop-Jacobs: The Fox and the Crow
  132. Aesop-English: A Fox and a Divining Cock
  133. Aesop-English: The Fox and the Dragon
  134. Aesop-English: The Fox and Eagle
  135. Aesop-English: The Fox and the Goat
  136. Aesop-Jacobs: The Fox and the Goat
  137. Aesop-Jacobs: The Fox and the Grapes
  138. Aesop-English: The Fox and the Grapes
  139. Aesop-LaFontaine: The Fox and the Grapes
  140. Aesop-Winter: The Fox and the Leopard
  141. Aesop-Jacobs: The Fox and the Lion
  142. Aesop-Jacobs: The Fox and the Mask
  143. Aesop-Winter: The Fox and the Monkey
  144. Aesop-Jacobs: The Fox and the Mosquitoes
  145. Aesop-Winter: The Fox and the Pheasants
  146. Aesop-Jacobs: The Fox and the Stork
  147. Aesop-English: The Fox and the Stork
  148. Aesop-LaFontaine: The Fox and the Stork
  149. Aesop-Jacobs: The Fox, the Cock, and the Dog
  150. Aesop-Jacobs: The Fox Without a Tail
  151. Aesop-LaFontaine: The Fox, the Wolf, and the Horse
  152. Aesop-Jacobs: The Frightened Lion
  153. Aesop-Jacobs: The Frog and The Bull
  154. Aesop-English: The Frog and the Fox
  155. Aesop-Winter: The Frog and the Mouse
  156. Aesop-LaFontaine: The Frog and the Ox
  157. Aesop-Jacobs: The Frog and the Ox
  158. Aesop-LaFontaine: The Frog and the Rat
  159. Aesop-English: The Frogs and Bulls
  160. Aesop-English: The Frogs and Sun
  161. Aesop-LaFontaine: The Frogs Desiring a King
  162. Aesop-Jacobs: The Frogs Desiring a King
  163. Aesop-English: The Frogs Desiring a King
  164. Aesop-Jacobs: The Geese and The Cranes
  165. Aesop-Winter: The Gnat and the Bull
  166. Aesop-English: The Gnat and the Ox
  167. Aesop-Winter: The Goatherd and the Goat
  168. Aesop-Winter: The Goatherd and the Wild Goats
  169. Aesop-Jacobs: The Goose With the Golden Eggs
  170. Aesop-LaFontaine: The Grasshopper and the Ant
  171. Aesop-Winter: The Hare and His Ears
  172. Aesop-Jacobs: The Hare and the Tortoise
  173. Aesop-LaFontaine: The Hare and the Tortoise
  174. Aesop-Jacobs: The Hare With Many Friends
  175. Aesop-Jacobs: The Hares and the Frogs
  176. Aesop-Jacobs: The Hart and the Hunter
  177. Aesop-Jacobs: The Hart and The Vine
  178. Aesop-English: The Heifer, Goat, Sheep, and Lion
  179. Aesop-Jacobs: The Hen and The Fox
  180. Aesop-LaFontaine: The Hen With The Golden Eggs
  181. Aesop-Jacobs: Hercules and the Wagoner
  182. Aesop-Jacobs: The Herdsman's Vows
  183. Aesop-Winter: The Heron
  184. Aesop-LaFontaine: The Heron
  185. Aesop-Jacobs: The Horse and the Ass
  186. Aesop-English: The Horse and the Ass
  187. Aesop-Jacobs: The Horse and the Ass
  188. Aesop-LaFontaine: The Horse and the Wolf
  189. Aesop-Jacobs: The Horse, The Hunter, and The Stag
  190. Aesop-LaFontaine: The Horse and the Stag
  191. Aesop-English: The Housewife and her Hen
  192. Aesop-English: The Hungry Dogs
  193. Aesop-Jacobs: The Jay and the Peacock
  194. Aesop-English: Jove's Cask
  195. Aesop-English: Juno and the Peacock
  196. Aesop-Winter: Jupiter and the Monkey
  197. Aesop-English: Jupiter and the Monkey
  198. Aesop-English: The Kingdom of Apes
  199. Aesop-English: The Kite and the Doves
  200. Aesop-Jacobs: The Labourer and the Nightingale
  201. Aesop-Winter: The Lark and Her Young Ones
  202. Aesop-English: The Lark and her Young Ones
  203. Aesop-Jacobs: The Lazy Housemaids
  204. Aesop-Winter: The Leap at Rhodes
  205. Aesop-Winter: The Lion and the Ass
  206. Aesop-Winter: The Lion and the Ass
  207. Aesop-English: The Lion and the Bulls
  208. Aesop-Winter: The Lion and the Gnat
  209. Aesop-LaFontaine: The Lion and the Gnat
  210. Aesop-English: The Lion and the Goats
  211. Aesop-English: The Lion and the Man
  212. Aesop-English: The Lion and the Man
  213. Aesop-Jacobs: The Lion and the Mouse
  214. Aesop-English: The Lion and the Mouse
  215. Aesop-Jacobs: The Lion and the Statue
  216. Aesop-Winter: The Lion, the Bear, and the Fox
  217. Aesop-Jacobs: The Lion, the Fox, and the Beasts
  218. Aesop-Jacobs: The Lion in Love
  219. Aesop-English: The Lion King
  220. Aesop-Jacobs: The Lion's Share
  221. Aesop-LaFontaine: The Man and the Adder
  222. Aesop-English: The Man and the Goose
  223. Aesop-English: The Man and his Mistresses
  224. Aesop-Jacobs: The Man and His Mother
  225. Aesop-Jacobs: The Man and His Two Wives
  226. Aesop-Jacobs: The Man and the Satyr
  227. Aesop-Jacobs: The Man and the Serpent
  228. Aesop-English: The Man and the Weasel
  229. Aesop-Jacobs: The Man and the Wood
  230. Aesop-Jacobs: The Man and the Wooden God
  231. Aesop-Jacobs: The Man, the Boy, and the Ass
  232. Aesop-LaFontaine: The Members and the Belly
  233. Aesop-Winter: Mercury and the Woodman
  234. Aesop-English: The Mice and the Weasels
  235. Aesop-Winter: The Mice and the Weasels
  236. Aesop-Jacobs: The Milkmaid and Her Pail
  237. Aesop-LaFontaine: The Miller, His Son and the Ass
  238. Aesop-Winter: The Mischievous Dog
  239. Aesop-Jacobs: The Miser and His Gold
  240. Aesop-English: A Miser and Rotten Apples
  241. Aesop-Winter: The Monkey and the Camel
  242. Aesop-Winter: The Monkey and the Cat
  243. Aesop-LaFontaine: The Monkey and the Cat
  244. Aesop-Winter: The Monkey and the Dolphin
  245. Aesop-Jacobs: The Mountains in Labour
  246. Aesop-Winter: The Mouse and the Weasel
  247. Aesop-LaFontaine: The Mouse Metamorphosed Into A Maid
  248. Aesop-Winter: The Mule
  249. Aesop-English: A Nightingale and a Hawk
  250. Aesop-Jacobs: The Nurse and the Wolf
  251. Aesop-English: The Old Dog and the Huntsman
  252. Aesop-English: The Old Lion
  253. Aesop-English: An Old Man and an Ass
  254. Aesop-Jacobs: The Old Man and Death
  255. Aesop-Jacobs: The Old Woman and the Wine-Jar
  256. Aesop-Jacobs: The One-Eyed Doe
  257. Aesop-Winter: The Owl and the Grasshopper
  258. Aesop-English: The Owl and the Grasshopper
  259. Aesop-English: An Owl and Little Birds
  260. Aesop-English: The Owl and the Sun
  261. Aesop-Jacobs: The Oxen and the Lion
  262. Aesop-Winter: The Oxen and the Wheels
  263. Aesop-Winter: The Peacock and the Crane
  264. Aesop-Jacobs: The Peacock and Juno
  265. Aesop-LaFontaine: Phoebus And Boreas
  266. Aesop-English: The Pike and the Herring
  267. Aesop-Winter: The Plane Tree
  268. Aesop-Winter: The Porcupine and the Snakes
  269. Aesop-Jacobs: Porcupine, Snake and Company
  270. Aesop-English: The Proud Frog
  271. Aesop-Winter: The Quack Toad
  272. Aesop-Winter: The Rabbit, the Weasel, and the Cat
  273. Aesop-Winter: The Rat and the Elephant
  274. Aesop-LaFontaine: Rats in Council
  275. Aesop-LaFontaine: The Raven and the Eagle
  276. Aesop-LaFontaine: The Raven and the Fox
  277. Aesop-Winter: The Rose and the Butterfly
  278. Aesop-English: The Sapient Ass
  279. Aesop-English: The Satyr and the Traveller
  280. Aesop-English: The Sculptor and Mercury
  281. Aesop-Winter: The Serpent and the Eagle
  282. Aesop-Jacobs: The Serpent and the File
  283. Aesop-Winter: The Sheep and the Pig
  284. Aesop-English: The Sheep, the Dog, and the Wolf
  285. Aesop-English: The Sheep, the Stag, and the Wolf
  286. Aesop-English: A Sheep-Biter Hang'd
  287. Aesop-Winter: The Shepherd and the Lion
  288. Aesop-Jacobs: The Shepherd's Boy
  289. Aesop-English: The Sick Kite
  290. Aesop-Jacobs: The Sick Lion
  291. Aesop-English: Socrates and his Friends
  292. Aesop-Winter: The Spendthrift and the Swallow
  293. Aesop-Jacobs: The Stag in the Ox-Stall
  294. Aesop-Winter: The Stag, the Sheep, and the Wolf
  295. Aesop-Winter: The Swallow and the Crow
  296. Aesop-Jacobs: The Swallow and the Other Birds
  297. Aesop-Jacobs: The Tortoise and the Birds
  298. Aesop-Winter: The Tortoise and the Ducks
  299. Aesop-LaFontaine: The Tortoise and the Two Ducks
  300. Aesop-Jacobs: The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse
  301. Aesop-Winter: The Travelers and the Purse
  302. Aesop-Winter: The Travelers and the Sea
  303. Aesop-Jacobs: The Tree and the Reed
  304. Aesop-English: The Trees Protected
  305. Aesop-English: The Trumpeter Taken Prisoner
  306. Aesop-Jacobs: The Trumpeter Taken Prisoner
  307. Aesop-English: A Trusty Dog and his Master
  308. Aesop-English: The Two Bags
  309. Aesop-Jacobs: The Two Crabs
  310. Aesop-Jacobs: The Two Fellows and the Bear
  311. Aesop-English: The Two Frogs
  312. Aesop-Winter: The Two Goats
  313. Aesop-English: Two Laden Asses
  314. Aesop-Jacobs: The Two Pots
  315. Aesop-English: Two Travellers find an Oyster
  316. Aesop-English: The Vain Jackdaw
  317. Aesop-Jacobs: The Vain Jackdaw
  318. Aesop-English: Weasel and Mouse
  319. Aesop-English: A Widow and a Green Ass
  320. Aesop-Winter: The Wild Boar and the Fox
  321. Aesop-Jacobs: The Wind and the Sun
  322. Aesop-Winter: The Wolf and the Ass
  323. Aesop-English: The Wolf and the Crane
  324. Aesop-Jacobs: The Wolf and the Crane
  325. Aesop-LaFontaine: The Wolf and the Dog
  326. Aesop-LaFontaine: The Wolf and the Fox
  327. Aesop-Winter: The Wolf and the Goat
  328. Aesop-Winter: The Wolf and His Shadow
  329. Aesop-Winter: The Wolf and the Kid
  330. Aesop-Jacobs: The Wolf and the Kid
  331. Aesop-Jacobs: The Wolf and the Lamb
  332. Aesop-English: The Wolf and the Lamb
  333. Aesop-Winter: The Wolf and the Lean Dog
  334. Aesop-Winter: The Wolf and the Lion
  335. Aesop-Winter: The Wolf and the Shepherd
  336. Aesop-Winter: The Wolf and the Shepherd
  337. Aesop-English: The Wolf and the Shepherd's Boy
  338. Aesop-English: The Wolf and the Shepherds
  339. Aesop-Jacobs: The Wolf in Sheep's Clothing
  340. Aesop-Winter: The Wolf, the Kid, and the Goat
  341. Aesop-English: A Wolf turn'd Shepherd
  342. Aesop-English: A Wolf turns Religious
  343. Aesop-English: The Wolves and the Dogs
  344. Aesop-Winter: The Wolves and the Sheep
  345. Aesop-LaFontaine: The Woodman and Mercury
  346. Aesop-Jacobs: The Woodman and the Serpent
  347. Aesop-English: The Workman and Fortune