
Jamaica: Tying Tiger

There is a similar African American story about Brer Rabbit and Lion tied to a tree, but that story does not include the second part of the story here where the tiger/lion is rescued and where Anansi then plays a further trick, taking advantage of the tiger's gratitude to his rescuer.

The Duck-Ant is a type of white ant or termite which builds nests in trees. Brer But, meanwhile, is Brer Butterfly. In another Anansi story, he is called "Brer But-But."

[Notes by LKG]

This story is part of the Jamaican Stories unit. Story source: Jamaica Anansi Stories by Martha Warren Beckwith (1924). I have removed the eye-dialect.

Tying Tiger

Brer Tiger got a mango-tree in his place. Brer Nansi go and ask if he could sell him a half penny worth of mango. Brer Tiger say no.

Brer Nansi well want the mango. Brer Nansi say, "Law pass that every man have tree must tie on it 'cause going to get a heavy storm."

Brer Tiger say, well, must tie him to the mango-tree.

After Brer Nansi tie Tiger, climb up in the mango-tree, and every mango he eat take it and lick Brer Tiger on the head.

After he eat done, he shake off all the ripe mango and pick them up go away leave Brer Tiger tie up on the mango-tree.

Brer Tiger see Brer But pass and ask Brer But to loose him.

Brer But say that he can't stop.

Brer Tiger see Brer Ant passing, ask Brer Ant to loose him; Brer Ant say he can't because of haste.

Brer Tiger see Brer Duck-ants passing and ask him for loose him. and don't know if him will loose him, for don't know if him will put up with him slowness, for Duck-ants is a very slow man.

After him loose him, Brer Tiger tell him many thanks and tell him must never let him hear any of Duck-ants's friends pass him and don't call up "Howdy-do."

Brer Nansi in a cotton tree were listening when they talking.

The next evening, Brer Nansi go to Brer Tiger yard and knock at the door. and say, "Who is there?" and say, "Mr. Duck-Ants's brother."

And they take him in and make much of him, get up tea because it was Mr. Duck-ants's brother, and after that go to bed.

In the morning provide tea for Mr. Duck-ants 'fore he wake, and when he wake and was washing his face he got to take off his hat. And Brer Nansi is a man with a bald head, and they got to find out it was Brer Nansi and they run him out of the house.

(400 words)