
Myth-Folklore: Indian Fairy Tales (Jacobs)

This book is part of the Indian Fairy Tales unit.

Indian Fairy Tales by Joseph Jacobs, with illustrations by John D. Batten, (1912).

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Kindle eBook: $1.00

Complete table of contents:
  1. The Lion and the Crane: text
  2. How the Raja's Son won the Princess Labam: text
  3. The Lambikin: text
  4. Punchkin: text
  5. The Broken Pot: text
  6. The Magic Fiddle: text
  7. The Cruel Crane Outwitted: text
  8. Loving Laili: text
  9. The Tiger, The Brahman, and the Jackal: text
  10. The Soothsayers Son: text
  11. Harisarman: text
  12. The Charmed Ring: text
  13. The Talkative Tortoise: text
  14. A Lac of Rupees for a Piece of Advice: text
  15. The Gold-Giving Serpent: text
  16. The Son of Seven Queens: text
  17. A Lesson for Kings: text
  18. Pride Goeth Before a Fall: text
  19. Raja Rasalu: text
  20. The Ass in the Lion's Skin: text
  21. The Farmer and the Money-Lender: text
  22. The Boy who had a Moon on his Forehead and a Star on his Chin: text
  23. The Prince and the Fakir: text
  24. Why the Fish Laughed: text
  25. The Demon with the Matted Hair: text
  26. The Ivory City and its Fairy Princess: text
  27. Sun, Moon, and Wind go out to Dinner: text
  28. How the Wicked Sons were Duped: text
  29. The Pigeon and the Crow: text