
Myth-Folklore Book: Italian Popular Tales

This book is part of the Italian Popular Tales unit.

Italian Popular Tales by Thomas Frederick Crane (1885).

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Table of Contents

The King of Love
Zelinda and the Monster
King Bean
The Dancing Water, the Singing Apple, and the Speaking Bird
The Fair Angiola
The Cloud
The Cistern
The Griffin
Fair Maria Wood
The Curse of the Seven Children
Oraggio and Bianchinetta
The Fair Fiorita
How the Devil Married Three Sisters
In Love with a Statue
The Cobbler
Sir Fiorante, Magician
The Crystal Casket
The Stepmother
Water and Salt
The Love of the Three Oranges
The King Who Wanted a Beautiful Wife
The Bucket
The Two Humpbacks
The Story of Catherine and Her Fate
The Crumb in the Beard
The Fairy Orlanda
The Shepherd Who Made the King's Daughter Laugh
The Ass That Lays Money
Don Joseph Pear
Puss In Boots
Fair Brow
The Peasant and the Master
The Ingrates
The Treasure
The Shepherd
The Three Admonitions
Vineyard I Was and Vineyard I Am
The Language of the Animals
The Mason and His Son
The Parrot: First Version
The Parrot: Second Version
The Parrot Which Tells Three Stories: Third Version
Truthful Joseph
The Man, the Serpent, and the Fox
The Lord, St. Peter, and the Apostles
The Lord, St. Peter, and the Blacksmith
In This World One Weeps and Another Laughs
The Ass
St. Peter and His Sisters
The Story of Judas
Desperate Malchus
Malchus at the Column
The Story of Buttadeu
The Story of Crivoliu
The Story of St. James of Galicia
The Baker's Apprentice
Brother Giovannone
Godfather Misery
Beppo Pipetta
The Just Man
Of a Godfather and a Godmother of
St. John Who Made Love
The Groomsman
The Parrish Priest of San Marcuola
The Gentleman Who Kicked a Skull
The Gossips of St. John
Mr. Attentive
The Story of the Barber
Don Firriulieddu
Little Chick-Pea
The Sexton's Nose
The Cock and the Mouse
Godmother Fox
The Cat and the Mouse
A Feast Day
The Three Brothers
The Three Goslings
The Cock
The Cock and That Wished to Become Pope
The Goat and the Fox
The Ant and the Mouse
The Cook
The Thoughtless Abbot
The Wager
Scissors They Were
The Doctor's Apprentice
Firrazzanu's Wife and the Queen
Giufa and the Plaster Statue
Giufa and the Judge
The Little Omelet
Eat, My Clothes!
Giufa's Exploits
The Fool
Uncle Capriano
Peter Fullone and the Egg
The Clever Peasant
The Clever Girl
