
Jamaica: Anansi and the Pig Coming from Market

This is an adaptation of a European folktale; see, for example, this story in the English unit for this class: The Old Woman and Her Pig.

Notice that in this version, the storyteller emphasizes Anansi's usual greedy and selfish character because he wants to get all this help without having to pay anybody for it!

[Notes by LKG]

This story is part of the Jamaican Stories unit. Story source: Jamaica Anansi Stories by Martha Warren Beckwith (1924). I have removed the eye-dialect.

Anansi and the Pig Coming from Market

Anansi took the job to sweep the market. After he swept the market and got the pay, he bought a pig called 'wee pig'. On his way home he had to cross a stream. He couldn't get the pig across. He wouldn't carry it himself and he wouldn't pay anyone to assist him, wanted free help.

So he saw a dog coming along. He said, "Brer Dog, I beg you bite this pig, make this pig jump over the river, make Anansi get home."

Dog said no, couldn't do it.

He saw a stick coming along, said, "Do, Brer Stick, I beg you lick this dog, make this dog bite this pig, make this pig jump over this river, make Anansi get home."

Stick said no, couldn't do it.

He see Fire, say, "Do, me good Fire, burn this stick, make this stick lick this dog, make this dog bite this pig, make this pig jump over this river, make Anansi get home."

Fire says no.

He sees Water. "Do, me good Water, I beg you out this fire, make this fire burn this stick, make this stick lick this dog, make this dog bite this pig, make this pig jump over the river, make Anansi get home."

Water said no.

He saw a cow coming. "Do, Brer Cow, drink this Water, make this water out this fire, make this fire burn this stick, make this stick lick this dog, make this dog bite this pig, make this pig jump over this river, make Anansi get to go home."

Cow said no.

He saw a butcher coming. "Do, me good butcher, I beg you butcher this cow, make this cow drink this water, make this water out this fire, make this fire burn this stick, make this stick lick this dog, make this dog bite this pig, make this pig jump over this river, make Anansi get home!"

Butcher said no, wouldn't do it.

He sees Rope coming along. "Do, Brer Rope, I beg you hang this butcher, make this butcher kill this cow, make this cow drink this water, make this water out this fire, make this fire burn this stick, make this stick lick this dog, make this dog bite this pig, make this pig jump over the river, make Anansi get home!"

Rope said no.

Saw Grease coming along. "Do, me good Grease, grease this rope, make this rope hang this butcher, make this butcher kill this cow, make this cow drink this water, make this water out this fire, make this fire burn this stick, make this stick lick this dog, make this dog bite this pig, make this pig jump over the river, make Anansi get home!"

Grease said no.

He saw a Rat. Said, "Do, me good Rat, gnaw this grease, make this grease grease this rope, make this rope hang this butcher, make this butcher kill this cow, make this cow drink this water, make this water out this fire, make this fire burn this stick, make this stick lick this dog, make this dog bite this pig, make this pig jump over this river, make Anansi get home!"

Rat says no.

Saw Puss coming along. "Do, Brer Puss, I beg you kill this rat, make this rat gnaw this grease, make this grease grease this rope, make this rope hang this butcher, make this butcher kill this cow, make this cow drink this water, make this water out this fire, make this fire burn this stick, make this stick lick this dog, make this dog bite this pig, make this pig jump over this river, make Anansi get home!"

Puss says, "Yes, I will kill your rat!"

Rat says, "Before you kill me, I will gnaw the grease!"

Grease says, "Before you gnaw me, I will grease the rope!"

Rope says, "Before you grease me, I will hang the butcher!"

Butcher says, "Before you hang me, I will kill the cow!"

Cow says, "Before you kill me, I will drink the water!"

Water says, "Before you drink me, I will out the fire!"

Fire says, "Before you out me, I will burn the stick!"

Stick says, "Before you burn me, I will lick the dog!"

Dog says, "Before you lick me, I will bite the pig!"

Pig says, "Before you bite me, I will jump over the river!"

So away went the pig over the river; and him and Anansi went home safe and without expense.

(700 words)