
Myth-Folklore: More English Fairy Tales (Jacobs)

This book is part of the English Fairy Tales II unit.

More English Fairy Tales by Joseph Jacobs, illustrations by John D. Batten (1894).

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Table of Contents:

  1. The Pied Piper
  2. Hereafterthis
  3. The Golden Ball
  4. My Own Self
  5. Black Bull of Norroway
  6. Yallery Brown
  7. Three Feathers
  8. Sir Gammer Vans
  9. Tom Hickathrift
  10. The Hedley Kow
  11. Gobborn Seer
  12. Lawkamercyme
  13. Tattercoats
  14. The Wee Bannock
  15. Johnny Gloke
  16. Coat o' Clay
  17. The Three Cows
  18. The Blinded Giant
  19. Scrapefoot
  20. The Pedlar of Swaffham
  21. The Old Witch
  22. The Three Wishes
  23. The Buried Moon
  24. A Son of Adam
  25. The Children in the Wood
  26. The Hobyahs
  27. A Pottle o' Brains
  28. The King of England and his Three Sons
  29. King John and the Abbot of Canterbury
  30. Rushen Coatie
  31. The King o' the Cats
  32. Tamlane
  33. The Stars in the Sky
  34. News!
  35. Puddock, Mousie and Ratton
  36. The Little Bull-Calf
  37. The Wee, Wee Mannie
  38. Habetrot and Scantlie Mab
  39. Old Mother Wiggle-Waggle
  40. Catskin
  41. Stupid's Cries
  42. The Lambton Worm
  43. The Wise Men of Gotham
  44. Princess of Canterbury